Habitat Restore

I am hopefully not only going to get to return to my new favorite store, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Friday, the day before my birthday, but if hubs can get the coupon to print that is good this week only, I’ll get 25% off their low prices! Wasn’t that nice of them to do for my birthday? 🙂 Hubs has Windows 98, I have Windows 7 and we have to use separate printers, the one we had when I got this laptop wouldn’t work with its version of Windows.

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

If you haven’t seen my messages daily on Facebook (I lost almost all of my blog friends on FB somehow today) starting 6-10 and going through 6-16 we’re having a challenge, first mentioned by 400DaysTill 40 (who gave me promo permission).  How big is your family’s carbon footprint?  Do you recycle? re-purpose (talk about timing for the Restore visit)?  Re-use? compost? Drive a gas-guzzler or a teeny car?  Let’s talk next week, same bat-place, same bat-channel.  I have no idea where that came from, LOL.  I actually have a bunch of posts already for next week.  A first, I know.  Probably because all I had to do was write and pull in pictures from internet.

I don’t know about most of my fellow bloggers, but I’m not patient with waiting to recover from something, especially when I feel OK.  That is until after I do something stupid like to go one tag sale for maybe 15 minutes and set my asthma back for a week because I was outside.  Or drive my fully automatic gas-guzzler w/c power ramp equipped minivan or the chair it totes for more than one short trip in a day.  And that’s where I am stuck, the doc predicts for the next 6 months!  I helped Mom sort out pre-nursing home clothes she no longer has use for and am in pain and upset the asthma so something that simple no can do.  Forget going through fabric, cutting (yeah, that little bit of dust from threads cut gets me).   We’ll see someday soon if I can do latex low VOC paint + plaster of paris to paint some treasures I’ve picked up.  So annoying.  Be very grateful for good health and please don’t take it for granted!  Be thinking of things to share here next  week!


About craftythriftydecoratingwifemom

I thank God for all the wondrous gifts he's given me daily. Reading many of your blogs has inspired me to get busy and stay busy doing things I used to enjoy and just fell away from. And you've given me courage to try new things I've never done before, things I'd have been afraid to try a few months ago. Thank you for your unknown contributions to this woman's life.
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3 Responses to Habitat Restore

  1. I’ve read about the Habitat for Humanity stores and all the good pre-loved things they sell. I would love to go through one of those stores.

    Do you struggle less with your asthma in the winter? I am thinking allergies/dust/etc.

    • Unfortunately, I’m not a seasonal asthmatic. As the last allergist I saw put it: If you can inhale it, you’re allergic to it. Moving wouldn’t help, I’d develop new allergies. I live close to where they built space suits and this wise guy told me to go tell them I need one to get through the day, could I try one? That would work. I know he was trying to lighten the situation, but all I could think of was “the boy in the bubble’. How you doing–all settled yet? Janet

      • well, last night I finally found some bed sheets that had gone missing… they were in a plastic trash can along with baseball caps. I’d say “semi-settled”, ha! Thanks for asking.

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